Saturday, May 06, 2006

The Truth of Unique Learning Styles

I write this entry guidanced by some materials from "Creative Learning Centre" Website. All readers are encouraged to see below link for more informations:

recommended site:

Every person are unique. We can divide person into two main categories: logic and creative. Thinking Logical people are the persons who prefer to use the left side of their brain meanwhile the Thinking Creative persons prefer to use the right side of their brain.

Reflective thinkers like time to consider everything before they make a decision, whereas impulsive thinkers make quick decisions based on little information.

left-brain dominant people prefer logical, step-by-step information, concentrate well on details and are highly sequential in taking in new information.

Right-brain dominant people prefer to see the 'big picture' when learning new things, are not interested in details and process information simultaneously.

Right or left brain dominant people will use their senses during learning process. The usages of these senses make the person learning style different from others.

Some people remember things they hear, they are good listeners, like verbal instructions and/or prefer to discuss new information.

Some people remember much of what they read and prefer instructions to be written, others remember and understand best when shown pictures, others use their imagination and many a combination of these modalities.

People with this preference have a strong need to manipulate things and use their hands while listening or concentrating.

Some people like to be actively, physically involved in work projects and remember best through their own experiences; others have a strong intuition and need to feel good to understand and remember easily.

There are many types of behaviour and physical readiness for people to focus on their learning. For example, there are person who need to read a book aloud to increase focus, understanding and accepting on what they are reading. Some prefer to read quietly. Some people sleep earlier on the night, some stay all night. The differences of these behaviours make a person's style of learning to be more unique than others.

Some people find it hard to sit still and need to move around a lot, especially when they are working or concentrating hard. Others prefer to stay put and avoid getting up when they work on something difficult.

Some people work better when they nibble, eat or drink while concentrating, while others find it distracting when working on difficult tasks.

People have different peak times when their brains are most active and then they can concentrate most easily. For some it's the early or late morning, for a few it's the afternoon and for many others it's the evening.

Environment is one of the main causes that can be used to increase or decrease the performance and result of a learning process. It is reflected on a person senses.

Some people need it quiet when working on something difficult, others prefer sound or music in the background.

Some people prefer bright light while others work far better in low light situations - too much light disrupts their concentration.

Some people like warm temperatures when working but others concentrate better when it's cool.

Straight back chairs with desks suit a formal working style. Lounge chairs or lying on the floor when concentrating suit people with an informal working style.

Some people need companion to study. Some feel it is better to study alone. This factor relates closely to a person heart and feeling. For example, person with linguistic verbal intelligent need pair, peers or team to study mathematical or logical subjects but person with logic mathematic intelligent can study mathematic alone.

Some people concentrate best when allowed to work on their own.

Some people prefer to have another person to work with.

Some people perform best when they can share their ideas and work within a group of like-minded people who are all at a similar level.

Some people love to be part of a team (sometimes as leader) and work most easily with others.

Some people accept authority and need very regular feedback, while others prefer not to have authority figures present, and don't need supervision.

This very related to intrapersonal intelligent on how they can force themselves to do a work. Attitudes are the main factors to gain the fastest result of learning, based on a person interest on what they are learning. A person attitude on a learning subject usually depends on their left or right brain dominant and preferred senses.

Some enjoy work, are self-starters and high achievers. Others can lose motivation easily, like incentives and need all other preferences matched to improve their work motivation.

Some people always finish what they begin while others stop when they lose interest and need frequent breaks and lots of encouragement to complete tasks.

Some people need rules and regulations and always like to do what's 'right'; others follow their own rules and like doing unconventional things, often going 'against the stream'.

People who take responsibility do what's expected of them and consider the consequences of their actions carefully. Others don't consider work the most important thing in their lives, can be easily distracted from their duties and often forget what they promised.

Some people need clear guidelines and a framework to work within; others prefer to work independently without needing instructions.

Some people like change, variety and challenges, hardly ever doing the same thing twice. Others work better under routine and like predictability and steadiness in their work.

These are the main factors related to the increased or decreased performances of the gifted children’s. Remember, your children may not stupid or a dropout at all. Perhaps the learning styles used or cultured in the society that the children lives is not suitable for the children. Some change must be made for the sake of the children future.


About The Writer

Voice Of The Dragon

Of every 100 children, at least two can be classified as outstandingly high in intellectual, creative or social ability. Giftedness knows not creed, colour or class.

The gifted learn quickly. As infants, gifted children pass the early milestones rapidly, talking early and learning to read before starting school. They have a thirst for knowledge of unusual subjects, and ask questions with insatiable curiosity.

These children are tomorrow’s leaders, scientists, artists, musicians and managing directors; their potential represents
a national asset we cannot waste. We should take action to ensure that these national assets are identified and developed.

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